Even in the most patriarchal society outside of 21st century black Africa, the Pashtuns have a wide variety of Y chromosomes. I think this is due to the fact that they are better versed in clan cooperation, because the clans grew not only patrilineally (a man gave his daughter away to a neighboring tribe with a different Y chromosome, they began to cooperate, then more and more new marriages happened, and these two clans merged into one, but with two haplogroups).

By your logic, an ethnic Russian with haplogroup Q should try to cooperate not with ethnic Russians, whom he resembles, but with Native Americans, with whom he only shares a haplogroup? This is absurd.

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What's absurd is humans being so primitive we base our social cohesion on proxies for DNA that result in Y-DNA clades constantly betraying themselves in warfare.

Looks like Q1 is an older Y-DNA that got nearly eliminated in Eurasia but survives in the Americas. Those "Russians" have simply forgotten the long war they lost.


Russian Q1s should cohere with other Russian Q1s. The Americas are far away, and have different autosomal DNA. However, Q1 Russians should care little about Russia, which is mostly R1a, and barely any Q1.

Pashtuns are at the crossroads of Asia, of course they're mixed.

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